Mail program for mac
Mail program for mac

mail program for mac

Thunderbird will automatically populate and display your email clients as one list, yet, separate them by accounts.

Mail program for mac password#

When it comes to setting up your existing emails to work with Thunderbird all that is required is you enter your specific email address and password to each account, or create a new personalized email address. Download the program from the Thunderbird website and follow the few screens of instructions. The installation of Mozilla Thunderbird is simple. Please note: The following instructions may vary across operating systems and devices. Related: Check out these Gmail alternatives

mail program for mac

In addition, you can search the internet for any words in the body of a message by highlighting a phrase, right-click and ‘ search the web for’. Search the web: Using the search bar in the Thunderbird dashboard, you can perform a quick search.Chat network: While using the Thunderbird application, you can have a real-time chat with your contacts using your preferred messaging application, including Facebook and Twitter.Attachment Reminder: Thunderbird will search for words related to files such as attachment or specific filenames or types and remind you to add your attachment.

mail program for mac

Click the star twice to add further details or contact info. One-click address book: Simply click the star icon next to the sender’s name when you receive an email to add the person or company to your address book.What features do you get with Thunderbird?įocusing on the UX, the Thunderbird development team has made every effort to ensure the program’s features are useful and easy to utilize. Related: 5 essential email hacks you’ll wish you knew sooner

Mail program for mac